Which doctor are you seeing today?

Today I had to go back to the doctor because when I was there a couple of days ago, my blood pressure was pretty high. When went to check in this morning, the receptionist didn't even ask me my name. She just asked me which doc I was seeing so she could find my chart faster. This makes me wonder if it's time to have the baby pretty soon...I must be there wayyy too often (and I've only been visiting this particular office for the past couple of months).

Well, the good news is that my blood pressure was back down to 132/78, and the doctor I saw (mine had the day off again...) was very pleased with that. Phew...it's been a nervous couple of days. The doctor also reassured me multiple times that I won't be having to deal with the magnesium sulfate again this time. Double phew. That stuff was not fun.

And...because this doctor was a little more relaxed and willing to answer questions...out of curiosity's sake I asked her what size baby she was thinking we were dealing with here- I have no idea what to expect, since Blake was so small. (I'd been hoping for a nice six or maybe even seven pound baby, figuring that would be how much larger she would be than Blake.) Well, I understand nothing's concrete until she's on the scale, but the doctor says we can expect a "larger than average-sized baby...maybe 8 1/2 pounds." Huh. Interesting.


Sarah Jean said…
Woot for big babies =) Really though, I'm glad that the blood pressure was normal again and all is well!
Anonymous said…
You weighed 8 lbs 3 ounces when you were born and were a nice size baby. MOM

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