What I'm up to.

Blake's in school now, and just like that our routine has changed once again.  I'm not sure that we've fallen into a regular routine yet, but I think we're getting close.  In addition to all that I'm crocheting up a storm trying to get a couple of wedding presents done and sewing some more too.  I finished a table runner for our kitchen table...in Fall colors...and I just don't feel right posting pictures of it when it's so hot outside yet.  We're still working on the SSMT verses, but it's mostly just me now, because Blake has his own set each week for school.  I'm trying to figure out how to get Abby to stop biting Camille and how to keep Camille from purposely having "accidents" just so she can change her clothes multiple times each day.  And I'm working on figuring out meal planning, because it's almost a must with having to figure out daily lunches for Blake too.  And I'm desperately waiting for applesauce-making season.

So.  That's that.


Anonymous said…
Hi Anne! (I'm Trish (Babcock) Radtke's sister) I was reading your blog this morning, as I do most mornings, and read how you are looking for a meal planning system, etc. I read another blog where the lady posts very easy meals, how she does a lot of plan-ahead meals, canning thoughts and ideas, etc. Thought I would share with you her blog address as she may have some helpful hints for you... www.andreadekker.com. Good luck!! Take care-Karena
Anne said…
Wow- thanks, Karena! Good to hear from you!!
Anonymous said…
You are welcome. Keep up the good work on the blog and with those three little kiddos at home! I loved your project where you framed your family recipes in the kitchen and am planning on doing that as well. THANK YOU!!~Karena

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