The effects of exercise.
For the first time in my life I can say that I've been trying to consistently exercise for the past five years. I was never really all that consistent with it before that.
In 2009 I had a physical and blood work done. My total cholesterol was 200. My triglycerides were 92.
Last week I had a physical and blood work done. My total cholesterol was 143. My triglycerides were 62.
Friends, all those great things they say about exercise? I don't think they're lying.
In 2009 I had a physical and blood work done. My total cholesterol was 200. My triglycerides were 92.
Last week I had a physical and blood work done. My total cholesterol was 143. My triglycerides were 62.
Friends, all those great things they say about exercise? I don't think they're lying.