Babysitting for my MIL.

We Zs (mostly me) are so excited to be babysitting my mother-in-law's piano while she and my FIL are in the process of moving.

So, so, so wonderful.

Friends, I'm playing through music I haven't touched in more than ten years.

Blake is amazed that I am capable of playing the hymn he's memorizing for school this week.

The cat isn't sure what to think, but she sits next to me anyway.

Nate tries to sing along, but then he realizes that his wife has unparalleled stage fright, and can't perform when people are looking over her shoulder.

But it's so wonderful.

Do you think she'd notice if I didn't give it back?

Just kidding, of course.  But I might not be disappointed if we have to keep it all winter.  ;)


troutbirder said…
Very nice. I miss my piano. We didn't have room when we sold our house and moved...

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