Thirteen months and then some...

Our little guy was thirteen months yesterday. To celebrate, I will share a cute story from church...

Last night we had Maundy Thursday service at church. The choir sang, and as usual, they stood toward the back of the sanctuary, close to where we sit (in the "people with little children who can't be quiet through the sermon" section). We were seated such that we were parallel to the choir and facing the director. It was the cutest thing...shortly into the song I looked down at Blake and noticed that he was waving. Then I realized that the director was, well, directing and waving her arms. I'm pretty sure Blake was excited that she was waving both arms (at him) and probably figured he was returning the favor. I think he got tired, though, as it was a pretty long song... :)

Blake was also excited to learn that his new cousin Brandon was born yesterday afternoon- congrats, Amy, Viet, Alex, and AJ!


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