Am I really THAT mom?

I found a stuffed animal online that was absolutely perfect for Blake's Christmas present. I found it online at ToysRUs' website, but I decided to watch it through the Thanksgiving weekend to see if I could get a better deal.

Well, would you believe that over Thanksgiving weekend the price went up!? So... I decided to watch it a little bit longer. Then, it sold out! I wasn't able to find it anywhere else on the internet! Argh!

I emailed Nate, and he joked with me about being "one of those moms" and going on Ebay and paying $50 just to get my son THAT specific toy. Scoffing, I responded to his email. began to fester. What if I couldn't find one for Blake? It was the perfect thing for him!

Before I knew it, I was happy that Blake woke up early from his nap, and we were driving down to the nearest ToysRUs store, just to see if they happened to have any left.


Sigh...I am that mom...kind of.


Lisa B said…
haha! That makes me think of when my mom waited over night outside Walmart to get an Xbox360 when they came out. Although, she said she had a blast!
I like the new look of your blog, by the way, and I would have given anything to see you run to the shelf to pick up that toy!

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