Catching up!
I've been a bad blogger least I haven't kept to my "at least every-other-day" goal. Here's a bunch of catching up for you:
Camille's been growing and learning new things it seems every day. She's eating lots of different foods, and she surprised us today by scooting herself all the way across the living room floor!
On Friday Nate and the kids took me to Benihana for supper. YUM, and OH SO FUN!! What a neat treat to be able to go there (made possible mostly because of the gift certificate you get for signing up for their email club-- I'd totally recommend you look into it!). Blake hasn't hardly taken off his chef's hat since we got home...
Today the Z-fam got to go to the state fair. Wow, was it hot! We still had a great time, though, despite the heat!