The other side of Yellowstone...
Allow me to give you insight on the other side of Yellowstone- stuff you don't necessarily read about on the travel sites. ;)
First, there are cars and people everywhere- especially if there's some sort of animal within 100 yards. (In this case it was a mama bear and a couple of cubs.)
Second, if you are lucky enough to see an animal on the side of the road and you're in the back of the van, you'll miss your chance to see the animal and take a decent picture (the front of the van has already seen it and will most likely accelerate right on by...). ;)
Third, the people who run Yellowstone have interesting ways to remind you to be careful. (There's also a rather disturbing poster with a boy jumping into the spout of a geyser, but I didn't get a picture of that one...)
Finally, our nation's national parks are not without their own fair share of road construction. The upside is that while you're waiting, everybody's engines are off and you get to enjoy the quietness of the great outdoors. :)
Hehe... We really did have a great trip- I just thought I'd share some of these pictures that I found so humorous with you. Enjoy!