That mom? (again?)

Christ is the reason for Christmas.  Period.  He came to the world to save the world.  Hallelujah!

I believe that^ with all my heart.  I'm all about teaching that^ to my kids.  I'm all about celebrating that^ every single day.

But is it bad if I also kinda turned into that mom?

You know...the mom that JUST HAS TO GET HER HANDS ON that one elusive "top-of-everybody-else's-kids'-list" toy. 

It didn't start out that way.  I really had no ideas of what to get for Blake, so I asked friends for input (and even got a toy demonstration from a pretty savvy five year-old), and figured out what I wanted to get Blake.  I found it online.  I saved up my Swagbucks.  I was ready.

And then it became that gift.  The "only-psycho-people-who-are-going-to-resell-it-for-exhorbitant-prices-are-going-to-get-their-hands-on-one-just-like-all-of-those-tickle-me-elmos-of-years-past" gift.  

And everybody sold out of them.  


So I became that mom for a little bit.

I did kind of a lot of searching and researching, and it might just have culminated in naptime today, when I just might have had three different searchbot websites (places that list all the sites where the product is available and alert you when it comes in stock) and nine different store websites open on my desktop...

AND I GOT the seven minutes that they were in stock. 

Do you think less of me now?



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