The center candle
Christmas is the celebration of another big step in the most awesome
plan ever. God sent that tiny little baby to redeem us all. Let
heav'n and nature sing!
Christmas is seeing that big grin on Blake's face when I tell him that when he wakes up in the morning it will be Christmas, and enjoying the fact that he gets it this year...and he'll find it hard to sleep tonight.
Christmas is remembering all the little tidbits of the past that all add up to give you "that" feeling...sqinting your eyes reallllly tight so that the beauty of the candlelight service lasts just a little longer, remembering the year your wonderfully God-fearing grandma got excited aout not having to attend said candleloght service, being welcomed as a new part of your husband's (and his family's) long-standing traditions...Faithful friends who are dear to us gather near to us once more.
Christmas is enjoying the fact that complete strangers are just a little nicer for a few days. Christmas is here bringing good cheer to young and old meek and the bold.
Christmas is trying again and again to find that balance between keeping it simple and going way overboard. I have no gift to bring...that's fit to give our king.
Christmas is seeing that big grin on Blake's face when I tell him that when he wakes up in the morning it will be Christmas, and enjoying the fact that he gets it this year...and he'll find it hard to sleep tonight.
Christmas is remembering all the little tidbits of the past that all add up to give you "that" feeling...sqinting your eyes reallllly tight so that the beauty of the candlelight service lasts just a little longer, remembering the year your wonderfully God-fearing grandma got excited aout not having to attend said candleloght service, being welcomed as a new part of your husband's (and his family's) long-standing traditions...Faithful friends who are dear to us gather near to us once more.
Christmas is enjoying the fact that complete strangers are just a little nicer for a few days. Christmas is here bringing good cheer to young and old meek and the bold.
Christmas is trying again and again to find that balance between keeping it simple and going way overboard. I have no gift to bring...that's fit to give our king.
O come to us, abide with us our Lord Emmanuel!
Merry Christmas!