Is "the big one" coming?

I've looked forward to most parts of parenthood. Some of the less-than-pleasant parts I have pondered and figured I'd get through them somehow once I got there. (I think that's the negative side of doing the ECFE hear everybody else's horror stories.)

There is one that hasn't hit yet, and I will admit that I've been dreading it with my whole being. It's the "child is now old enough to realize that he is wearing a diaper, that that diaper is full of something, and that there is some sort of artistic value in whatever that something is" moment.

Well, we're going through some sort of anti-going-to-sleep phase with Blake right now. Last night Nate made at least four trips into Blake's bedroom before he actually settled down. On two of those trips, our dear son was standing on his bed, pajamas unzipped, with his diaper tabs open. Sigh...I filed the knowledge of his new-found abilities in the back of my head, but didn't really think too much about it because I was trying to get child #2 to sleep at the time.

This morning Blake slept in a little bit later than usual, so I waited until after breakfast to change his diaper. Much to my surprise, when I unzipped his pajamas there was no diaper there. :) (Well, I suppose to be fair, there was a diaper there, it was just lodged in the foot of his pajamas, wrapped around his ankle.)

Thankfully, his pajamas weren't wet or dirty, but it makes me sigh and wonder what's coming next and just what I can do to prevent it!


Anonymous said…
Hi Anne, in a word, YES! Sounds like he is trying to tell you something. Best of luck! BTW, every mom and every kid has their own way of dealing with potty training, so don't listen to the horror stories. Our boys did have better luck just sitting backwards on the toilet than using a potty chair - something about trying to aim that thing. :) DonnaW.
Anne said…
Hehe...thanks, Donna. :)
Tracey said…
It's a sign...It's potty training time!! Good luck.

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