Garden: week 11!

The past couple of weeks have been busy ones here at the Z-house, so we've been stopping out at the garden after church.

It's been fun to see the progress of the plants and to begin harvesting our little plot of vegetables.  Last week we managed to eat all of the harvested peas before we even got home.  ;)

It's most fun to see the kids take an interest.  This week Camille (the child who does not like bell peppers) grabbed the one green bell pepper that we harvested, and ate almost the entire pepper apple-style.  She proclaimed it delicious.

On the way back to the van yesterday Blake spotted some pretty blue flowers in another plot.  He asked to take a picture of them.  Here's the result:

I grabbed a closer shot:

And leaving the parking lot, I always admire the wildflowers that grow in the surrounding fields.  I wish our entire front lawn could look like this...  :)


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