I stink at being pregnant.

This morning I had a regular OB checkup. I learned during the latter part of my pregnancy with Blake that it's never a good sign when the nurse takes your blood pressure, sighs (or in today's case, rolls her eyes...but that's a different blog entry), and asks you to lay down on your left side. :(

It turns out that my blood pressure was elevated higher than they would like it to be. It was a little lower when the doctor rechecked it, but this means that I have a much shorter leash now. To top it off, I'm measuring a little small. :( My appointments are back to every two weeks, and most likely at the next one we'll start ultrasounds to check that the baby is still growing like she should be. This is the first appointment that I have felt like my doctor wasn't placing all her bets on my making it to term-- it's still our primary goal, but she said she'll be really happy for me to make it to 34 weeks (just for comparison, Blake was born at 33 1/2 weeks).

So, as I write this I am indulging myself in a large bowl of ice cream to console myself (I know...wonderful choice), because with my luck they'll call me tomorrow to tell me that I've also failed the glucose challenge. :-/


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