"Pretty house" - At least I tried

Yesterday I looked outside and saw that our peonies were blooming.  I looked on the cupboard and saw an empty orange vase.  Why not?

Mistake #1 - Forgot to shake the ants, spiders, and random green bugs out of the blooms first.
Mistake #2 - Forgot how fragrant peonies can be.

Needless to say, I learned my lesson from both mistakes.  It took me three napkins to kill all the bugs that came crawling out, and during breakfast this morning I had to set the vase of flowers outside.  I was having a hard time breathing through my nose. 

But, now we have a pretty vase of flowers to go on the patio table, and it almost looks like I planned it that way.  ;)


21.  Kids growing big and strong.
22.  Flowers decorating my table, cut from my yard.
23.  A novel that finishes leaving you wanting more of the story.
24.  Comfortable jeans.
25.  The memories that scents can evoke.
26.  Rest days.
27.  Digital cameras and their nearly-limitless memory-capturing capabilities.
28.  Catching up with old friends.
29.  Developing new friendships.
30.  Brand-new babies.


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